How to use Splice and Chop

Splice and Chop are located under the Transform tab at ImageMagick Studios.

For the following examples the parameters 10x20+30+40 were used.


Splice allows you to cut out and create transparent vertical and horizontal areas in an image.

The standard parameter settings should be formated like this: 10x20+30+40

The first number set "10x20" denotes how wide and tall the splices will be.

The first number in the set "10" is how wide the vertical splice will be.

The second number in the set "20" is how tall the horizontal splice will be.

The second number set (geometry) "+30+40" denotes where to place the splices

The first number in the second set "+30" will push the vertical splice in from the west to the eastern (left to right) portion of the image.

The second number in the second set "+40" will push the horizontal splice down from the north to the southern (top to bottom) portion of the image.

Note: Using Splice will cause your image to grow in proportion to your Splice parameters.

In the following example I chose an image of Spartacus from the hit HBO series. I kept it simple by flood filling the transparent areas with black color.

You can see in this example Spartacus is having a very bad hair day.


Chop allows you to chop out and remove vertical and horizontal areas of an image.

The parameter settings work the same as above in Chop but instead of leaving empty transparent space it collapses and reassembles the image by completely removing the areas of the image that are set in your parameters.

Note: Using Chop will cause your image to reduce in size in proportion to your Chop parameters.

In this example I used the same parameter settings as above 10x20+30+40.

You can see that Spartacus is now all set to play a roll in The Three Stooges.

The original image used for the above examples can be found here.

Have fun and experiment with using Splice and Chop. You can do multiple splices and do some effects, composites and adjustments between splices and chops for some really amazing results.

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