wtv-1800:/update-open-isp-wtv-token-3547296702-9B5C1F235738D7DD0FD28CC73923BE25?mode=0&t-baggage-parms=ethernet-ani-8095763322%2Csubscriber-id-105772165%2Csubscriber-category-bry25&GreatIdea=Use+MSN+TV Disabling OpenISP

Dialing MSN TV service directly
You're now going to connect to MSN TV service directly, without using your own Internet Service Provider.

Regular MSN TV service, including connections through MSN TV, costs $24.95 per month or for any part of a month.

wtv-star:/hosed?why-hosed=inactive-exchange MSN TV service Unavailable

The MSN TV service is not
available in your area.

The MSN TV service is only
available in certain parts of
the world. Unfortunately, we
do not yet support your area.

This means that your Internet
terminal cannot be used from