
Enter the number to look up:

Results for 7-323-3223:

PhoneDB v32 (built Wed May 27 22:54:26 1998 by uid=1057) 
 USA      hash=0xe0150d7c (built Wed May 27 21:03:56 1998 by uid=1057) standard (built Wed May 27 21:03:57 1998 by uid=1057) Features: [CCMI] [com] [ld-avg] [wlca] [zd] [lec] This is for personal services and debugging ONLY 
   mci (built Wed May 27 17:09:57 1998 by uid=1057) 
     Features: [CCMI] [com] [ld-avg] [wlca] [zd] [lec] 
 Japan    hash=0xeb699e85 (built Wed May 27 15:01:15 1998 by uid=1057) standard (built Wed May 27 15:01:15 1998 by uid=1057) [got error -1 while processing that number] 

The output should be the same as POP-O-Rama with the same PhoneDB. If the results don't match what you see elsewhere, check to see if the PhoneDBs have the same version and build date.

No provable affiliation with the makers of Jiffy Pop Popcorn