1. Click on "Clear" to assure there is no data in the calculator.

2. Enter the first number, the one that is being acted upon.

3. Click on the desired operation: +, -, x, or /.

4. Enter the number that is acting (being added, subtracted, multiplied by, or divided by).

5. If there are more operations, repeat steps 3. and 4. You can mix the operations (+, -, x, /). The cumulative total will show in the window. If there are no more operations, proceed to step 6.

6. When all number operations are finished, click on "=" to get the answer.

7. If you wish to transfer the answer, see "DATA TRANSFER", below.


1. Click on "Clear" to assure there is no data in the calculator.

2. Enter the base number, the one you are taking the percentage of.

3. Click on "x" (multiply by ).

4. Enter the amount of percentage you are calculating.

5. Click on "%" (percent sign).

6. The answer is in the window.

7. If you wish to transfer the answer, see "DATA TRANSFER", below.


This calculator has a memory function which lets you store data during computation. The memory uses four keys, as follows:
...."M+" - Add to the amount stored in memory.
...."M-" - Subtract from the amount stored in memory.
...."MR" - Recall the amount stored in memory.
...."MC" - Memory clear.

The memory function permits an accumulating total which can be manipulated by the sub-totals of separate arithmetic operations. When data is stored in the memory, the letter "M" is displayed in the little box at the left side of the calculator window.

For example:

1. Click on "MC" to clear the memory.

2. Several numbers may be added and this sub-total added to the amount in memory by clicking on "M+".

3. Several numbers may be added and this sub-total subtracted from the amount in memory by clicking on "M-".

4. A percentage of a number may be added to, or subtracted from, the amount stored in memory.

5. The amount stored in memory may be recalled by clicking on "MR" and used in any arithmetic operation. The number recalled from memory is used exactly the same as if entered from the keypad.

6. When computations are completed, the contents of storage may be recalled to the display window by clicking on "MR".

7. If you wish to transfer the answer, see "DATA TRANSFER", below.


1. Click on "Clear" to assure there is no data in the calculator.

2. To sqare a number (the number multiplied by itself), enter the number and then click on "sqr".

3. To find the square root of a number, enter the number and click on "sqt".


Definition of terms:
...Pi - The number 3.1416 (rounded), the ratio of the diameter to the circumference of a circle.
...Circumference - The perimeter (outside edge) of a circle.
...Diameter - The distance across the Circumference of a circle, measured through the center.

...Radius - The distance from the center of a circle to the Circumference; half of the Diameter.
1. Click on "Clear" to assure there is no data in the calculator.

2. The area of a circle is "Pi x R²" (Pi times the Radius of the circle squared). To calculate the area of a circle, enter the length of the Radius, click on "sqr", click on "x", click on "pi", and then click on "=" for the answer.

2. The circumference of a circle is "Pi x D" (Pi x Diameter) or "2 x Pi x R" (2 x Pi x Radius). To calculate the circumference of a circle, enter the Radius of the circle, click on "x" and then enter 2; or enter the Diameter of the circle. Next, click on "x', click on "pi", and then click on "=" to get the answer.


1. DO NOT use the calculator memory for storing data other than during calculation, the memory is volitile and is cleared when you leave the calculator page. If you want to keep the data, it must be transferred to another medium.

2. To transfer the data, place the cursor on the calculator window and copy, using WebTV's Cut, Copy, and Paste utility. Paste the data to the clipboard (click on "CLIPBOARD" at the bottom of the calculator), or paste the data into an e-mail or into a page in your home directory.