Instructions and Usage This tool is designed to create a textarea that is both visually decorative for both WebTV and PC users. WebTV users will see text color, curser color and rom border backgrounds. PC users will see text color, curser color and background color. Rows and Colums apply to both WebTV and PC users. Growable only applies to WebTV users Detailed definitions as follows: Text Size: Applies to Webtv users and some older browsers. This will be the font size displayed in your textarea. Use numbers between 1 and 4 for best results. Css Text Size (px): Applies to PC users. This will be the font size displayed in your textarea. Use numbers between 10 and 14 for best results. Text Color: Applies to both Webtv & PC users. This will be the font color displayed in your textarea. Use colors that will contrast nicely with the background color for best results. Background Color: Applies to both Webtv & PC users in different ways. This will be the background color of your textarea seen by PC users and the highlight color seen by WebTV users. Use colors that will contrast nicely with the background color for best results. A good example of what NOT to do: Using matching colors for both text and background will have terrible results for both WebTV and PC users alike! PC users will not see the text because it will be the same color as the background and WebTV users will not be able to see the text when highlighting because the text and highlight colors are the same. Curser Color: Applies to Webtv users only. This will be the color of the curser displayed in your textarea. Use numbers between 1 and 4 for best results. Rows (Height): Applies to both Webtv & PC users. This will be the height of your textarea. A Row equals a row of text. Colums (Width): Applies to both Webtv & PC users. This will be the width of your textarea. A Colum equals 1 character of text. Bif Button 1-7: Applies to Webtv users only. This will be the background (rom border) image displayed in your textarea. Use numbers between 1 and 7 for best results. Growable: Applies to Webtv users users only. This will allow the textarea to grow in lenght depending on the amount of text in the textarea. Check the box to allow it to grow. Leave unchecked to force text to remain in the Row (Height) amount you choose. |